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League of Legends Season 10 Champion Guide: Irelia Tips and Tricks

A champion that has been incredibly problematic since its release, Irelia has been far since the first days of league of legends and its initial iteration. Renowned to have an incredibly high learning curve to accompany some of the most devastating play potentials available, Irelia is also snowbally as possible. But how can you guarantee that you can reach critical mass almost every game? Read more for some tips on how to raise your gameplay Irelia.

Keep your batteries in place

The passive of Irelia - Ionian Fervor - gives it a temporary attack speed after using a spell on an enemy, and additional damage to the touch after reaching complete loads thereof. Theoretically, its Q-Blade Surge has no recharge time, as long as you use it to execute servants with low health or attack marked enemies. As such, perform unanswered exchanges from level 1 by automatically attacking the wave of the henchmen, performing several with your Q to stack your liabilities, then remaining faithful to the enemy champion.

IRELIA IS SUCH AN INSANE CHAMPION THIS IS WHY The purchases of basic articles like phage, Tiamat and finally Trinity Force will help Irelia to stick to an opponent and stack his passive, and once his numbers are both on his passive and conqueror, it is incredibly difficult to to take off.

Abuse your reach

For a melee champion, Irelia switches one of the biggest attack ranges for a non-distance champion in all ligue . Partly because of the size of its weapon and partly because of its need to attack automatically to exchange, Irelia s experienced players will use it to dance effectively on the battlefield.

Imagine this: you are in 1c1 against a riven, but since you have almost double its range of attack, you can kite its shield without losing batteries or the risk of being exchanged. Yes, it s a small window of opportunity, but it s always a factor to take into account.

Treat with a distance champion? Not serious. The RQEQQ is the perfect combo - but relatively easy to run from Irelia, and land it on a viscous opponent will allow you not only to systematically fill the gap with them, but also to manage 80% (otherwise the totality) of their health .


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